Welcome to Hat Creek Community Church

"Shining the light of Jesus into a dark world"

Mission Statement

We are a small community of believers who gathers together each Sunday in the tradition of the home churches of the early believers.
We believe in community and supporting each other as we travel on our individual path to knowing and growing in Jesus.
Our service is small and personal, with the potential for each person to interact and inquire at each point along their journey-whether you are a new believer or a seasoned traveler with Jesus.

Our Sunday gathering begins with a  free community breakfast at 1000 am, followed by a group bible study at 1030 and pastors message at 1100. Come as you are. We are friendly,here to share the Good News of the Gospel and ready to grow in His Word.

We believe Jesus Christ is God’s only son; was born of a virgin; lived a sinless life; and was crucified as payment for all our sins; rose for the dead; ascended to heaven; offers salvation and eternal life freely to all who believe in Him; and will return to earth in victory one day.

Kevin Fletcher

Sunday School/Fellowship Breakfast

Worship Services

10:00 AM – 11:00 AM

11:00 AM – 12:00 PM


18735 VN Lane
Hat Creek CA, 96040

(530) 335-5297